NBC’s ‘Community’ season 4, episode 4 preview: The Germans return

CommunityDid anyone have a hankering to see the Germans back on “Community”? While we almost prefer the group of bullies led by Hilary Duff from the show’s second season, this group of antagonists were at least interesting in bringing out a new side of Jeff and Shirley that we previously did not know about. Therefore, we have to admit that we are at least reasonably excited to be seeing them again.

So what is the premise behind these characters coming back? Based on the sneak peek below from Thursday night’s episode, it seems to merely be a matter of them attending the same history class as the Greendale Study Group. The clip is not really long enough to see how they are going to react to seeing the gang, but hopefully it will be something that leads to an entertaining rivalry.

Thus far, the new “Community” writers and executive producers have done their best to not rock the boat by trying to bring back a number of familiar faces and concepts, whether it be the Dean acting strange, Giancarlo Esposito, Inspector Spacetime, and now this. This is all well and good when it comes to fan service, but will we see some new creation coming up soon? What we worry about here is that in relying on characters and concepts created during the Dan Harmon era for laughs, it is more of a reminder that he is not here anymore. The show was lauded for its bravery, and even if it fails spectacularly, we’d love to see a little bit more of that following a few episodes that have been so-so, to put it kindly.

What do you want to see happen during this episode? If you want to find out some more about the “Community” episode penned by Jim Rash, you can do so by heading on over to the link here.

Photo: NBC, video via SpoilerTV

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