‘Big Brother Canada’ pre-show rankings: Who are the strongest women?

Canada CastYesterday, we gave you the first taste of our “Big Brother Canada” coverage for the season by trying to rank where some of the male contestants stand leading up to the start of the season; so now, we’re going to be doing the same exact thing with the ladies.

First things first, a massive round of applause to casting for bringing us the most interesting group of women any version of the show has had in some time. These are real women, diverse and not just carbon copies of past stereotypes. Nobody looks like they are the traditional model / actress type, which to us means that the show is going to have to find someone else to boot early in the game. (Ask Monet, Laura, Cassi, Kara, or JoJo about how it feels to be the typical “model that goes home early.”)

As we said with the guys, it will be easier to rank these houseguests as the season goes on. For now, we’re basing it simply on the first impressions that we have of them from the show’s official website.

7. Kat Yee – There are two problems we see with Kat right away that are giant red flags to us. For one, she looks and reminds us somewhat of Annie from “Big Brother 12,” who played the game too hard right out of the gate and was sent home. Plus, she’s a big-city bartender; we don’t want to judge her, but often this translated to mean “I want to be famous and want camera time.” She’s going to stir up a ton of drama early and be out the door.

6. Talla Rejaei – There is something about her bio that really bothers us, where she says that she does “not want to go into detail” about her personal life. How can you do that with this game? We just don’t really see the drive here for her to do well, and she’s different enough from the other houseguests that she could be a sitting duck.

5. Danielle Alexander – We don’t often advocate people lying about their lives in the house, but if Danielle tells people she is an aspiring actress, that could be trouble. If the other contestants read that she is good at playing other characters, how will they know if she is ever telling the truth?

4. Emerald “Topaz” Brady – Ridiculous gem-for-a-gem name aside, Topaz seems to be smart, energetic, and physically fit enough to play this game. We don’t know if she will be anything other than a floater in the game, but we do appreciate her strategy of exercising caution in the house.

3. Liza Stinton – Liza is probably not going to be someone who is sent out of the game early, but she will likely have to bite her tongue if she wants to make it past the top seven or eight. The tanning salon owner is much more opinionated that the last tanning specialist in America in Ashley Iocco, and she also needs to learn when to be humble. Having a showmance will only get you so far in this game … and her bio screams that she wants one.

2. Suzette Amaya – We anticipate opinions ranging across the board on Suzette, mostly because “Big Brother” has never really had a contestant quite like her. She could be sent home early if there is a team sort of twist like season 14, but we just don’t see there being a universe in which she becomes a threat to anyone early. She’ll be a good source of advice as an older contestant, and isn’t likely to spar over some of the silly things that the young houseguests do.

1. Jillian MacLaughlin – Our pick to win the season. She reminds us of a more astute version of Jordan Lloyd: she seems to be smart, kind, and capable in challenges. She’s not going to be a threat early, and some people will likely underestimate her. Then, before you know it, she’s got herself in a position where no one has the heart to get rid of her and she is just a few positions away from the final two.

Who’s your pick to win “Big Brother Canada” right now? If you want to go back and see our rankings for the guys, you can do so over at the link here. We’re going to be attending the premiere party tomorrow night, so come back overnight for some great stories from the event and more.

Photo: Fox

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