Power Book II: Ghost season 3 premiere date: How far away?
Of course, just posing this question brings us to the main subject of this article: Just how long are we going to wait in order to see Michael Rainey Jr. and the rest of the cast back? We recognize this is a frustrating situation already for a lot of fans. At this point last year, we knew when season 2 was coming back; now, we remain in the dark, even though we realize that filming has been done on the season for a good while now.
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At this point, it feels pretty clear that we are at least a month and a half away, but probably even longer. It’d be out of Starz’s character as a network to announce a premiere date for a show at the last minute. Meanwhile, they also have so much programming on the air over the next couple of weeks that it’s hard to even know where they would fit in Ghost. Take, for example, Step Up 3, Dangerous Liaisons, and The BMF Documentary. Presumably, these three shows will occupy their lineup for a while after Raising Kanan / The Serpent Queen conclude. In January, we already know that BMF is coming back for season 2.
Our hope is that we’re going to see Ghost back either in December or early next year but if that’s the case, we gotta get some more insight on it soon. This is one of the most-popular shows in the franchise, and it certainly left off in a bonkers-enough manner that we want more insight on what lies ahead! Why wait to announce something if you’ve largely figured it out?
Related – Be sure to get some more Power Book II: Ghost news right now
How far away do you think we are from the premiere of Power Book II: Ghost season 3?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back and remember 100% that we’ve got a lot of other awesome stuff coming that we don’t want you to miss. (Photo: Starz.)