Bachelor in Paradise 8 episode 5: Salley Carson leaves in minutes

Bachelor in Paradise

Tonight’s Bachelor in Paradise 8 episode 5 brought us the arrival of Salley Carson — and a short exit after the fact.

So what happened? Well, Salley arrived to the beach after missing multiple flights, which she claimed was due to work. That differs from the story that Wells told people earlier, and that led to Genevieve, with Shanae’s help, leading the charge to question her about it. (Ironically, we’re starting to think Genevieve and Aaron are good to each just on the basis of having confrontations on this show.) Salley didn’t want her ex brought up on the show and yet, that happened almost immediately.

Was Salley 100% ready to be on this show? We can’t speak to that, just because we didn’t see her for a long period of time. Justin wanted to form something with her (they knew each other from Stagecoach), but he didn’t get the opportunity.

We’re left to wonder so many different things about Bachelor in Paradise and Salley, mostly because there are a lot of unanswered questions. Personally, we think there’s a lot more to the story, and a lot of the women clearly weren’t that excited to have her there. Talking to ex beforehand may not come across as a good look, but why not have the guys judge for themselves? This wasn’t a situation like last year, where it felt like Brendan was leading Natasha on. Salley wasn’t hurting anyone on the beach, but producers clearly are not big fans. That’s why they put together that whole package in the first place with the story and they they made a big deal about her “suitcase.”

So yea, goodbye Salley — we hardly knew ye.

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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