‘Big Brother Canada’ spoilers: Meet the full cast!

Canada CastYou have been likely waiting for this moment for quite some time, and now, it’s finally here: the announcement of the “Big Brother Canada” cast.

First, we want to talk about the strangest thing straight out of the gate: the fact that there are 15 houseguests, which is a pretty unusual number considering that most “Big Brother” seasons typically opt for casts of either 13, 14, or in some cases 16 contestants fighting for their reality TV lives. We’re going to be taking some in-depth looks at all of the houseguests beginning tomorrow, but for now, let’s just get the basic introductions for all of these people under the way.

Overall, the good news is that this is a pretty diverse collection of people. Other than the new promo below, we still sadly don’t have any idea as to whether or not any of them are going to be entertaining. A cast can look great on paper, too, and then stink once the game is actually going (see season 12 of the American show).

Check out the photos below via Slice, and be sure to bookmark this page for “Big Brother Canada” live feed updates all season long.


Andrew Monaghan – An insurance sales trainer living in Halifax, who originally hails from Newfoundland. It’s nice to see that the easternmost province in North America is represented here when it is so often forgot on even some Canadian reality shows, and the 38-year old looks a little bit like a manlier version of Cory Monteith from “Glee.”

Ultimately, there’s potential here.

SuzetteSuzette Amaya – A 36-year old motivational speaker from British Columbia. She’s probably destined in some way to become the house mom, and while we want to save some of our analysis for a later article, there’s some potential here to be a Shelly Moore-type character if she is unafraid of getting herself involved in some messy situations.

JillianJillian MacLaughlin – A 27-year old teacher from a small town in Nova Scotia. She’s probably going to be one of those people who is taken to be sweet and unassuming, and the challenge for her will therefore be trying to find a way to use this perception to her advance during the actual game. Daniel Murphree tried this on the American show last year, but instead she really just ended up being Dan’s sidekick for most of the game.

AnujAnuj A.J. Burman – He works as a salesman in the Toronto area, and he claims that he can sell anything to anyone … which to us means that he is probably going to have a little bit of an arrogance problem. Despite the fact that he is good-looking, he will have to know when to put on the charm and when to lay low. He’s either going to be Dr. Will Kirby and go very far, or Keith from season 13 and be the first one out.

EmmettEmmett Blois – This 24-year old is described as an innocent dairy farmer from Nova Scotia, which to us means that some of the women in the house are probably going to devour him alive. He also feel worse for him being locked in this house than anyone else, mostly because he is probably accustomed to actually being outdoors on a regular basis.

KatKat Yee – This is probably unfair to say, but we don’t like characters generally who list themselves as bartenders. Typically, they are just cast to be the spitfires who cause a lot of drama, go home around the midway point in the game, and then spend the next several years of their lives trying to be celebrities.

Hopefully, Kat, a 27-year old from Toronto, breaks this trend and is someone who is easy to root for.

EmeraldEmerald “Topaz” Brady – We’re still confused about the name. If your first name is Emerald, why do you need to go by the name of another gem? She is a 27-year old from Scarborough, Ontario, and works as a dental hygienist while also studying part-time.

Based on what Slice has announced, she’s porbably going to be one of the women who uses flirting as a strategy.

LizaLiza Stinton – We could see Liza, who owns a tanning salon from Toronto, being a bit of a combination of Rachel Reilly and Ashley Iocco minus the dream board and some of the crazy things she said while on medication for her back.

We will say this: if we were playing the game, Liza would be an early target. She looks too tan for one, and we don’t imagine that she will be getting along with everyone in the house.

DanielleDanielle Alexander – We worry first and foremost about anyone who describes themselves as a “party girl,” and this 20-year old from Calgary is in for a rude awakening. As the youngest contestant on the show, she’s probably used to getting things her way. But the other contestants aren’t looking to dance with her or get her phone number; they are there to win, and her strategy is probably not going to work. We predict tears here. Big-time.

AlecAlec Beall – We don’t know Alec, but this Vancouver guy just looks shady (and a little bit like Sash from “Survivor Nicaragua”). We wouldn’t trust him, and we won’t think anyone else will after learning that he is studying psychology at a doctoral level. He’s not going to hide that from the others even if he promises to at first: ego always gets in the way, and he’s end up bragging to some of his friends in the house.

GaryGary Levy – There’s a lot about Gary you can tell based solely on his picture, namely that he loves fashion and is very concerned about his appearance. This could hurt him in the game since you want people around who are low-stress, and he is probably going to need to make some friends almost right away.

Our guess? Let’s still until the middle of the game.

PeterPeter Brown – Seriously, this guy from New Brunswick (now living in British Columbia) says that he is a professional YouTuber. It is possible in this age to make a living off that site, but it’s also possible to get your ego blown out of control.

Sorry, Peter, but for the time being you remind us of Ronnie from “Big Brother 11,” and you’re going to think you are better at the game than you are.

TallaTalla Rejaei – Considering that she is a social work student, Talla probably is not going to turn on the crazy during the show. Therefore, it’s hard to be too excited about this 26-year old Edmonton resident, given that we don’t know if she will bring anything to the show that doesn’t already fit into this little box.

We just can’t see Talla lasting beyond a few weeks at the moment.

ThomasThomas Plant – Thomas is (sigh) a bartender living in Edmonton … but he’s also a fireman! Guy is going to know how to party, and we’re betting now that he is the person that will hook up with at least one woman during the season. As for whether or not he is good at the game, that is a completely different story altogether.

Aneal Joshua Ramkissoon – Basically, he’s this show’s version of Ian Terry: a 21-year old college student and superfan from Richmond Hill, Ontario (a suburb of Toronto, for you non-Canadians) who loves the show so much that he is planning to write his college thesis about it.

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