The Challenge USA season 1 finale: Who won the final?
So who were some of the biggest threats among the pack? Well, there were certainly a few names we were circling here — think along the lines of Angela, Sarah, Danny, Tyson, and Desi. There were a lot of super-physical people among both the men and women, but doing well at this final was about more than just physicality. You had to show that you could roll with the punches and handle the stress and the grind. Mental fortitude, of course, matters significantly with all of this.
Before the final can even begin in proper, though, someone needs be eliminated among the women! We knew going in that a lot of the contestants were out for Angela and Alyssa, who have been working with some of the guys. If they saw an opportunity to get them out, we were pretty sure that they would jump at it.
Well, as it turns out, Angela was thrown into the Arena automatically after she struggled with the puzzle in the first challenge. Meanwhile, Sarah won and that was the worst-case scenario. She chose Alyssa to compete and since Domenick and Tyson tied for a victory in the first challenge, Tyson didn’t have the power to stop her from going in.
This battle was not much of a battle: Angela destroyed her. She wanted to, mostly to just get it over with as soon as possible.
Now, the final
All the remaining players turned up ready to go … except for Ben. He was forced out thanks to an injury. This meant that for various stages of this competition, one woman was forced to go it alone while the rest of the men and women were paired up.
Suffice it to say, this was brutal as advertised — Enzo and Desi were done almost right away, as he called for help before he could swim to land. Angela ended up being forced out after she decided not to do one phase by herself — she thought she was doing something strategic when, in reality, she didn’t check on if that was allowed.
This entire competition from start to finish was really intense and unpredictable. Danny and Sarah were in the lead for a good chunk of it, but then Tyson opened up a lead in the last stage of the final. Then, there was a sudoku puzzle, and it turns out Danny is great at sudoku puzzles. He was able to pass Tyson at that.
Here’s where things got so crazy: Almost no one could complete the final! Danny won and he was the only guy who made it to the very top. Sarah, meanwhile, was the only woman to finish. Even though Sarah started FAR in the back of the back, she still found a way to complete it.
What an entertaining, thrilling, but also weird finale this was. Who knew that sudoku, of all things, would be what did SO many people in?
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Challenge USA
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