Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The new HoH & their plan

Monte Taylor Big Brother

Following last night’s Big Brother 24 Double Eviction show, it is clear that we have an entirely new game. Michael’s eviction alters the course of almost everything, since he was by far the biggest competition threat and the strongest overall player. Everyone needed to get him out the first chance that they had and they did! We think he’ll be haunted by those cables during the Veto Comp for the rest of his life.

So now, we’re at the final five and we’ve got a new Head of Household in power — what are they going to do to alter the course of the game? There is totally a lot to think about here!

Want to check out more of our Big Brother 24 coverage, including the latest from the live feeds? Then be sure to visit the link here. There is so much more great stuff on the way.

Let’s go ahead and get into things from last night: Monte won Head of Household! He’s got an opportunity now to inch a little closer to his endgame, and that means for now nominating Alyssa and Brittany for eviction. It’s easy to label Brittany as the target, but is she the right one? The good thing about Monte is that he’s a smart guy who can take emotion out of the game. He recognizes that while Brittany has lied a lot, she’s not much of a jury threat — he can also see the attachment that Turner has to Alyssa.

If the nominations remain the same, Taylor votes to evict Alyssa, Turner may vote out Brittany, and Monte breaks the tie to send Alyssa out in fifth place. She’s a much bigger jury threat, even if she has absolutely nothing game-wise on her resume. The reality with this season is that things have gotten very personal at times, and there are people who will vote for Alyssa just because they like her. That’s dangerous, and once Alyssa is out of the game, Monte is at least a step closer … though he’ll be a huge target if he doesn’t win the final four Veto. Out of a final four of Turner, Monte, Brittany, and Taylor, Brittany’s the only one we can’t see winning.

What do you think is going to happen in the Big Brother 24 house this week?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back for some other updates that you 100% do not want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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