The Blacklist season 10: Another step towards filming!

The Blacklist season 9 art

The Blacklist season 10 is slated to start up production soon — it could be as early as next week! We know that some things are being prepared already behind the scenes, and that includes the latest news that we’ve got today pertaining to costumes.

If you look HERE, you can see a fun tease courtesy of longtime show costume designer Christine Bean. It remains to be seen if these are Reddington’s hats for season 10, or if this is just a collection of some of the ones worn by James Spader over the series so far. Either way, isn’t this fun? There are so many!

New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to get some more thoughts on the show amidst our ongoing re-watch, including a big Diane Fowler mystery. Once you check that out, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube right away for more leading into season 10.

One of the things that we are rather curious about is Reddington’s look moving into this new batch of episodes (premiering in 2023). As so many of you realize, Raymond got closure for the death of Liz at the end of last season and with that, he may be able to take in a deep breath for a first time in a while … that is, until he learns about Wujing getting the last from Marvin Gerard prior to his death. What’s going to happen because of that? We gotta wait and see.

Is Reddington going to look like the same guy prior to learning about Wujing? We’ve seen the photos out there of Spader with the longer hair and beard; this is probably just him not shaving due to it being the hiatus, but it’d be a total blast if we actually saw this side of the character moving forward for a while.

What do you most want to see from The Blacklist season 10 when it premieres on NBC?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are more updates coming that we don’t want you to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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