‘American Idol’ rankings: Angela Miller, Candice Glover, Rachel Hale top the ladies

American IdolLast week, it was all about the boys both on “American Idol” and in our rankings; so this time around, we are shifting the focus over to the ladies.

Since there are some contestants in the top 20 for each gender that we have not had the chance to meet just yet, it’s pretty unfair for us to try and compare all of them. Instead, our rankings this time around are based on the five singers who seemingly have the best chance of actually making it all the way to the live rounds, and we’re judging it on everything from talent to screen time to of course the editors, as they can build up a contestant to all ends of the earth (Lauren Alaina), or tear them down to where they have no chance of winning at all (Brielle Von Hugel).

The top 5

5. Zoanette Johnson – In all honesty, Zoanette is not even close to being the best singer among the ladies this year. But in a sea where so many of them ultimately sound the same, she has one other thing going for her that is definitely worth celebrating: originality. She’s funny, a blast to watch, and unpredictable on a show where too many ladies have just been reduced to basically what Kez Ban described in her audition tape.

4. Kree Harrison – She came on very late during Hollywood Week, and while you may not know very much of her now, there is potential here for her to burst on the scene very quickly and become the Pia Toscano of this competition. Keep a close watch on her in the weeks ahead.

3. Rachel Hale – There’s always one female country singer worth watching and Rachel has quite a bit going for her: her tone is unique, she is extremely likable, and you really get the sense that she is going to work hard. The only thing she has to be careful about at this point is add some more emotional layers as we get deeper into the competition.

2. Candice Glover – Vocally, she has to be the undisputed favorite among the women. Her voice really was good enough to make it through last year, and it’s almost like producers held her back for a year to ensure that they had good talent that lasts for a while. You can go ahead and put her in the top ten now, with our only warning being that she is the sort of contestant who voters could forget about around the final seven and send her home too soon.

1. Angela Miller – Just based on the original song we hear this week, Angela may be one of the most talented girls overall to come through this competition. There hasn’t really been a woman like her to go deep, and she reminds us of some of that brilliant female talent from season 9 (Katelyn Epperly, Lily Scott) that should have made it into the final rounds of that season.

Who is your favorite of the ladies in the competition right now? We want to hear some more of your thoughts below, and as mentioned earlier, you can see our take on the men over at the link here.

Photo: Fox

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