Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The Veto aftermath (day 54)

Michael Bruner Big Brother

It is the morning after the Power of Veto Competition within the Big Brother 24 house, and we already know a couple of important nuggets of information. Take, for example, who the current target is.

Based on a conversation that Head of Household Turner had overnight with Alyssa, we do think that his plan is to send Taylor out this week after Michael inevitably uses the Veto on Brittany. There have been questions about whether his alliance would send out Monte instead, but we think that they would run a real risk of burning his trust if they went against what he wanted. Remember that Turner does have that City Council alliance with Kyle and Monte, so he’d like for the three of them to go far together.

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Where today gets a little bit chaotic comes via the planning. Alyssa in particular seems to think that Michael’s plan is going to be spilling the Leftovers to her, which causes her anguish since she’s already heard it spilled multiple times. Yet, we think Michael knows on some level that the cat is out of the bag on that. He and Brittany aren’t going to bother so much with that. Their plan instead has already generated a lot of controversy online: Talking openly about Kyle potentially forming an alliance based on some unfounded concerns that another Cookout was forming. This is info that they’ve had for a while, and they’ve sat on it, despite feeling guilty in doing so, until it is convenient for their game to speak up. If you are anyone else in the house, the latter part of this could frustrate them. On a personal level Taylor and Monte could be upset, since they spent an entire week in Big Brochella with the two of them and they said nothing.

Strategically, what matters here is whether or not this info could get Turner to ultimately consider nominating Kyle for eviction, and we just don’t think it will. Instead, we have a feeling things could get pretty heated in the house today, so go ahead and prepare for that in advance.

What do you think is going to happen today in the Big Brother 24 house?

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