Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto scenarios & light-bulbs!

Monte Taylor Big Brother

We’re writing this particular Big Brother 24 live feed update just after 5:00 p.m. Pacific time and even still, the Veto Competition has not started! Production is taking their time and we get it. There hasn’t been a night competition all season and if they do bring in Zingbot, it makes sense to do it when it’s later on in the evening and cooler outside. (There’s no confirmation that the zings are coming; we just have hope.)

So while we wait for the competition to start, there are a few different things to talk through here, including some interesting scenarios and big light-bulb moments for the likes of Michael, Taylor, and Monte.

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First, a recap: Turner is Head of Household, and he nominated on Friday night Taylor and Brittany. The target’s been a little ambiguous but based on a recent Kyle / Alyssa conversation this afternoon, they are a little more worried about Michael and Brittany than they are about Taylor. Our take is that Kyle is so desperate to diminish Michael’s power at this point that he’ll do whatever he can to hurt him.

The truth here, though, is that there’s almost zero chance the nominations stay the same. Everyone other than Kyle and Terrance are playing in the comp, and we think no matter what the Veto winner will consider using it. One of the more intriguing situations is what happens if Michael wins and then removes Brittany. What does Turner do? He finalized yesterday The City Council, which is basically The Pound minus Joseph. Monte is the “fifth” in the After Party alliance, and we know that Monte is also playing both sides of the house right now. He’s helped Taylor and Michael in some ways to realize some of what happened during Dyre Fest. Brittany already told Alyssa about the Leftovers, but of course she knew before that.

If Michael removes Brittany, does Turner then nominate Monte and betray his new alliance? Or, does he nominate Terrance, thinking that Kyle, Monte, and Alyssa will 100% have his back? There are five people voting and if Monte, Brittany, and Michael vote to keep Taylor, Terrance leaves the game. It’s a fun thing to think about and Turner’s HoH is a bust. This is probably the only way that the former members of Big Brochella all stay for another week in the game.

What Michael wants to do

Enough speculation: He’s told Brittany he wants to win Veto, take her down, and then expose Kyle’s previous alliance that he talked about. Michael and Brittany both feel guilty not telling Taylor about it already. It remains to be seen what this would do, but we’re certainly hoping more than ever that Michael takes this.

What do you want to see happen with this Big Brother 24 Veto?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates. (Photo: CBS.)

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