Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Joseph keeps fighting (day 50)

Joseph Big Brother

Presumably, we are a little more than 24 hours away from the next Big Brother 24 eviction taking place. We know that there is speculation out there that something could be taped early, but there have been SO many rumors that it’s hard to keep track of them all.

What we can at least tell you as of right now is that Joseph is still campaigning for his life versus Kyle, even if he is fighting a losing battle. As of this writing, he has been in the midst of a lengthy campaign to Turner, one where he has made some good points. The biggest is pretty simple: Kyle outed Po’s Pack, and he also outed the Leftovers. As soon as an alliance no longer benefits him, he stabs a ton of people in the back. We do think that Turner is aware of this.

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The problem Turner most likely faces is simply this: That Terrance almost certainly wants Joseph gone. If we saw Turner and Terrance having an individual conversation about this, we’d feel different, but Turner may think that going to Terrance with something that he already doesn’t want to do isn’t worth his time. In his mind, it may be better to just let Joseph go and then jump back to the other part of the Leftovers after the fact … potentially. Or, he may just play the middle for a while. He knows that Kyle and Alyssa would likely be targeted before him, as would Michael and Monte on the other side. This could get him far, but is it enough for him to win? Turner’s great TV, but he doesn’t have a huge game resume as of yet.

After the conversation, Turner told Alyssa that he’s still going to save Kyle, even though he didn’t like him exposing the Leftovers. That’s probably the case but remember this: Why would he tell her anything different?


There are still plans to tell Jasmine that she’s going to be evicted; otherwise, there’s really not that much to dive into right now.

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