Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: A totally new game? (day 50)

Matt Turner Big Brother

We are at the onset now of day 50 within the Big Brother 24 house, and it is looking as though everything is starting over — or, is it?

Ultimately, it feels fair to wonder what in the world is going on in the backyard based on the events of the past several days. The Leftovers alliance are over back there and Joseph is almost certainly getting evicted. While there was a brief moment with Terrance speaking to his wife (via the feeds) that made us question if he was undecided between evicting Joseph or Kyle, his actions speak louder than words right now.


Joseph is still doing whatever he can to stay alive, and that includes making it clear that Taylor is super-close to Michael and Brittany. Why in the world do that? We know that a lot of Twitter is pretty bummed-out by him and we get it; yet, he’s doing whatever he can to stay alive. Also, he and Taylor talked about creating distance between the two of them in the eyes of the public. Maybe the way he went about it was messy, but he’s trying to play the game and he knows that Terrance is pretty anti-Michael right now. Kyle also is now more than ever, since he’s not as close to Michael potentially as he thought.

Will this get Joseph anywhere when it comes to his campaign? Probably not, and neither did the wall yeller. It’s a reminder that while these create a lot of drama in the fandom, they rarely ever change too much within the game. This time, the biggest consequence of it was production throwing a tarp over the roof and making the people outside in Dyre Fest miserable. (Speaking of miserable, how miserable do things seem right now?)

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It’s rather interesting that Michael and Brittany, despite being super-prepared, have not fully entertained the idea that things have gotten so chaotic outside and it really looks like an inside versus outside battle moving forward. They’re still evicting Jasmine, and it looks like we’re setting up for Brittany / Taylor / Monte versus Kyle / Alyssa / Turner in the next Head of Household. Of course, that’s with us assuming that Turner is really with the showmance. He may just be telling them whatever they want to hear right now, since it wouldn’t be that smart to be in a final four with a couple plus someone in Terrance who is more of a jury goat. What he really needs to do is solidify something with Taylor, or find a way to get rid of Kyle and then go to the end with someone beatable like Alyssa or Terrance.

What do you expect to see within the Big Brother 24 house today?

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