Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Dyre Fest Veto Ceremony results
Of course, and because this show loves to torment us all, they came back to by and large nothing other thank watching people play games and/or eat. (The reactions to everyone seeing Joseph again were hysterical — this man has to have a higher approval rating than any athletic guy in the history of this show.)
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There was one big, “curious” change to the backyard: A tarp put over the top of it. Clearly, this was a way to stop drones and airplane banners from flying over. What we personally wonder is this: If we were one of the players, we’d be suspicious. Why is production so desperate to keep out interference all of a sudden?
So was the Veto actually used and if so, who was on the block? Well, here’s where we can share some news: Terrance DID use it! Turner is off the block and presumably, Kyle is up. Terrance promised Alyssa safety in the early going here.
Now, this is where things get complicated: Is Kyle up mostly as a plan to hide Terrance’s true intentions? That could be the case. We know that Kyle wants to blame the Leftovers being exposed on someone else, so don’t be shocked if that is the case. Even if Turner votes to evict Kyle, which is far from confirmed, Terrance still holds the tiebreaker vote. we’re sure Joseph has campaigned a LOT, but how much will it matter?
What do you think about the Veto being used in Big Brother 24, and where will things go from here?
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