Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The Big Brochella Veto Ceremony

Big Brother

The latest Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony took place in the house on Monday … but which one of them was it?

There is no denying that we’ve seen an extremely confusing situation as of late in regards to what’s happening and when, and for good reason. Remember for a moment here that we’ve been cut off from live feeds outside ever since Saturday night. The only coverage we’ve had has been of the Big Brochella group inside, and we figure that this is in order to discourage any future wall yellers. (It’s harder to yell when you don’t know what’s going on, and there seems to have been at least one earlier this weekend.)

Related Be sure to get some more Big Brother 24 news, including DAILY live-feed updates

After some downtime early this afternoon, feeds returned briefly outside and honestly, not that much was different — yet, it does feel pretty easy to assume what happened at this Veto Ceremony. Brittany had zero interest in using the Power of Veto, and would have only done so if Michael wanted her to. Monte and Jasmine remain on the block and for now, we assume that Jasmine is going to be sent off to jury.

The assumption at Dyre Fest is that Terrance will not use his Veto, and will leave Turner and Joseph on the block — yet, don’t assume anything 100% here. Other than rumors on social media (which are often false), there’s not a ton of confirmation as to what is really going on outside.

There was a tiny leak of Joseph and Terrance on the feeds this afternoon that a LOT of people have run several miles with, but we can’t watch that and assume anything with absolute certainly. It feels impossible to based on what little we saw! It does at least seem like Joseph was talking with Terrance about strategy, so there’s that.

What do you think about the results of the Veto Ceremony within the Big Brother 24 house?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back for some other updates on the series. (Photo: CBS.)

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