Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Who is the target, really? (day 40)
For the past 48 hours, it feels like the target has shifted on an almost-regular basis and we have seen her discuss taking out Terrance, Indy, and Alyssa at various points. She even talked about Jasmine with Joseph earlier! So what is actually going to happen here?
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Based on where we’re seeing the house as of this afternoon, the most likely scenario is that Kyle doesn’t use the Power of Veto and we see Indy leave the game this week. It’s almost comical how a couple of weeks ago, he was 100% fine letting Alyssa leave and it was Daniel stopping it. Now, the power of showmance compels him to try and protect her. He recognizes that she is a number for him outside the Leftovers, and there is a time he may need that. It feels like the only way he’d use the Veto and allow Alyssa to go up is if every person in his alliance confronted him in a room, and even still he’s working on ways to get out of it. This could still happen, especially since Michael is planting seeds.
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There is a point that multiple people, including Taylor, have brought up: It’s really hard to get Alyssa out now. How hard will it be down the road? She is probably the best competitor of the people not in the Leftovers. She’s socially stronger than any of them, Jasmine has the ankle issue, and Terrance is not much of a physical player.
Getting rid of Alyssa now actually does matter more than anyone realizes, especially since the Split House twist could make it easier for her to get power.
What do you think will end up happening moving into the Veto Ceremony tomorrow in Big Brother 24?
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