Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: A (chaotic) Veto preview (day 39)
There’s so much to get here, but you may want to put on earmuffs if you’re a fan of Taylor and/or Joseph. This week has been a total mess for the two of them so far; we still love the two of them personally, but they are making the same mistake as several people did earlier this season. You can never get too comfortable in this game.
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Before we go further, here’s a roundup of the facts: Taylor won Head of Household and she nominated Terrance and Indy last night for eviction. Originally Terrance was her target, but she and the Leftovers eventually came to the realization that Terrance would be more forgiving after the fact (probably true). Taylor’s fatal flaw, really both this week and for a lot of the season, is thinking that she needs to be seen as someone who loves and supports the other women in the house — even though the other women would nominate her in a second. Alyssa, Indy, and Taylor have all talked about it on a number of occasions, and we don’t think that they would ever be Team Taylor.
Alyssa, Jasmine, and Kyle are playing in the Veto alongside the nominees and Taylor. The easy solution to this HoH week would be to just nominate Alyssa if Terrance or Indy leaves the block and keep the Leftovers together by getting one of them out. However, she and Joseph are dead-set on him being the replacement nominee, even though there’s a reasonably good chance that he gets evicted. Michael & Brittany could easily flip, and have already discussed the possibility! It is SO much riskier than this week needs to be. We love Taylor and Joseph as allies, and we’d love to see them go far in the game together!
We’ll be back later with more on who won Veto and what it means. Hopefully, some people change their minds…
What do you think could happen with the Big Brother 24 Power of Veto today?
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