Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Nomination chatter (day 31)

Monte Taylor Big Brother

The nomination ceremony is going to happen alter today in the Big Brother 24 house, but we are starting to get a sense of how things will play out!

Let’s start off with this: The simple fact that Monte, Joseph, and Terrance will be going on the block later tonight. Michael has held meetings as Head of Household with most of the other players, and he seems settled on this being his move for the week. The question from here mostly because what he is going to do after the fact with the Veto and a whole lot more.

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Based on a lot of the conversations that we’ve heard, the idea here is that nominating Daniel and getting him out of the house is the primary plan for the week; however, we are also well-aware that Michael is a smart guy who is considering a lot of his options. Daniel is the smart move if his goal is to get out of this week with no blood on his hands, but he may be thinking over some other options. We wouldn’t be surprised if it comes out that he’d rather see Terrance gone from the game this week. Terrance has a tendency to spread around a lot of information, and Michael knows he is more loyal to other people than he is to him. If Daniel stays, he could be more indebted to Michael and give him a possible wild-card number just in case later. Michael knows that Kyle is overly paranoid about going on the block, so there’s a chance that he and Daniel do win the Veto over the weekend. If that happens, more heat goes on Kyle, no heat goes on Michael, and Daniel stays for the week.

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Daniel was told by Michael earlier that other people want him out of the game more than he wants him out of the game, so take that however you will. For now, the worst-case option for Michael is that if Daniel & Kyle win and take down Joseph, Terrance, and Monte for whatever reason, Turner & Jasmine go up and Jasmine likely leaves. Taylor seems okay with going up again in that situation, but Michael doesn’t want that to happen.

What do you think the plan should be for nominations today in Big Brother 24?

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