Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony preview (day 27)
In a word, yes. Shortly after the episode, it seemed like Kyle & Daniel will be 100% taking Alyssa & Indy off the block and with that, Nicole & Taylor would be going up in their place. Because of this we would see Nicole most likely leave the game — Taylor may not love being on the block, but would see this as an opportunity to get rid of someone who clearly wants her out. So long as the Leftovers stay together, they 100% would have the numbers. We’re not always pro-steamroll in this game, but it’s easy to root for this when Nicole has been so obnoxious to Taylor and also arrogant in the past about her status in the game.
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Well, here’s where things get messy. Late last night we had another Leftovers meeting in the game and in that, it was strongly debated as to whether or not the Veto should be used at all. Alyssa is thought of as a big social threat, and we’ve already seen (uncomfortably so) how desperate she is for a showmance with Kyle. Keeping nominations the same could also insulate the Leftovers a little bit more and make Daniel feel like there isn’t some sort of big alliance out to get him and Nicole.
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With that said, this move could also be bad for the Pound since it would show more that Kyle and Monte are super-close and there’s a lot of debating going on behind the scenes here. The real winners would be Michael, Brittany, and Taylor — Michael has wanted Alyssa out this week from the start, and if Kyle, Monte, and Joseph get most of the blowback here, they aren’t targets in the same way. They can also have Indy join Michael & Brittany after the fact and this gives the Leftovers a person to target if those three end up on the block together.
What are you excited to see during the Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony later today?
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