Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Delusions & Michael’s birthday
For now, it absolutely feels that way! Kyle & Daniel will remove Indy & Alyssa from the block, and from there you will see Nicole & Taylor go up in their place. There’s more context thanks to tonight’s episode as to why Monte wants Nicole out so badly; she did fairly well in the Head of Household competition, and we know that she is super-competitive. You can’t nominate Daniel this week, so you may as well go ahead and put up the person closest to him.
In case you didn’t know … we post DAILY live-feed spoilers on Big Brother 24, so bookmark this link to stay up-to-date on all of them
However, we’re also seeing this week one of her central weaknesses: Her reads on the game are off so many different ways. While she suspects she’s in danger, she’s also convinced herself that she can get a core of herself, Daniel, Kyle, and Alyssa together and from there, they will be able to pull in Indy, Jasmine, and plenty of other people to get what they want. Nicole still thinks she’ll get the votes, when 100% she won’t. The Leftovers isn’t going to take out Taylor, and the hilarious thing is that Nicole is making it even more obvious that she and Daniel are a duo — making it all the more important that she goes.
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The show has given the houseguests everything to celebrate Michael’s birthday! Taylor is making him a cake, and of course we’re sure that will lead to some ridiculous commentary from some other people in the game. You can see Jasmine’s insane frustration with her even on the show at this point…
What do you think we’re going to see take place within the Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony tomorrow?
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