Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The full nomination plan (day 24)
Let’s start with what we mentioned a little bit earlier: The nominations are going to be Alyssa & Indy. However, neither one of them are the real target of Head of Household Monte — though it will stay that way if the two remain on the block. Instead, the idea here is to nominate Nicole & Taylor as replacement nominees to get Nicole out. A lot of the women in the house are already turning on Nicole, in part because of seeds planted by the Leftovers about her and Daniel over the past week. Remember that Daniel also cast a “sympathy vote” for Terrance, and that is causing a little more chaos.
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With Nicole being the final target for the week, Kyle is already steering Alyssa in a direction where this could seem like a good idea. (He still wants Alyssa out, but is taking one for the team.) Meanwhile, Taylor is well-aware of the plan and while she isn’t that thrilled with the idea of going up on the block again, she definitely wants Nicole out and understands that the alliance should have her back in making this happen. There’s no reason for anyone in the Leftovers to keep Nicole.
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Where things could get hilarious is in the event that Nicole throws the Veto this week, provided she plays, thinking that this is the way to get Taylor out … and she gets evicted instead. It would be glorious entertainment, and after Nicole’s 1) treatment towards Taylor and 2) obnoxious begging to go on The Amazing Race, we honestly wouldn’t mind.
What do you think about the current nomination plan in the Big Brother 24 house?
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