Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The Po’s Pack plan (day 23)

Taylor Hale Big Brother

As we prepare for the Big Brother 24 live eviction show tonight, we know that the players are looking to cover their tracks. If you missed it, the Leftovers have come up with a way to keep Ameerah (so far) in the dark about her eviction. However, they also want to find a way to cover their butts when it comes to numbers and make it so that people don’t associate them together after the fact.

So how has the plan been orchestrated? It goes a little something like this: Taylor tells Terrance that she overheard Kyle and Ameerah talking about an alliance called Po’s Pack. She doesn’t know everyone who is in it, but she doesn’t think Jasmine, Indy, and Daniel are a part of it. With that in mind, he can go to them and start spreading that info.

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This plan is pretty incredible, even if it does end up ruining a possible blindside tonight. It could expose an alliance and get a lot more people on board with getting out Ameerah, and then nobody questions the Leftovers after the fact. Taylor could take a tiny bit of heat for it, but she also 1) looks like a team player and 2) can count this on her resume. She was going to be a threat regardless, but if she and Nicole are nominated together, Nicole is evicted. It is fundamentally that simple.

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Why couldn’t someone else been the leak to Terrance? If Brittany did it, for example, it could lead to her and Michael going on the block, which ensures a member of the Leftovers goes. Kyle is a little sketchy in not wanting to do it, and also not wanting to go up on the block because he’s the tiniest bit hesitant Taylor would keep him. That’s baffling since she would vote out Daniel in a split second over him. We do question Kyle’s status as a team player, especially since he seems to prefer just getting Alyssa & Indy on the block next week and ensuring the Leftovers picks off someone easy. (He wants Alyssa out.)

Taylor has already told Terrance the info as of this writing, and he has already gone with it to Joseph (except with Nicole’s name rather than Kyle). Things are already getting MESSY.

What do you think about this Po’s Pack plan in the Big Brother 24 house?

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