Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 2 Veto players (day 11)
First and foremost, a quick refresher if you have missed updates from the past couple of days. Jasmine is Head of Household and yesterday afternoon, she nominated Pooch and Taylor. It seems as though she’d be okay with getting rid of either one, but Pooch is someone a lot of people in the house is gunning for.
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Now, let’s get to who is joining the HoH and the nominees in the Power of Veto Competition later today: Terrance, Ameerah, and Michael. We don’t know if any of them would use the Veto if they won, so what’s the incentive for them to try that hard here? It’s mostly to build their resume or make sure that Jasmine gets what she wants as Head of Household. Personally, we think that Michael should throw it, just because winning the first two Vetoes of the season is an easy way to get a target on your back.
As for who the likely boot would be if nominations stay the same, we don’t want to say it’s 100% Pooch but things are really moving in that direction. We’re talking here about a guy who is an obvious physical threat and getting rid of him now would divide up some more of the guys. Also, Taylor is someone who could be taken out later since so many people are coming after her.
Hopefully, there will be at least a little bit more strategy talk before the Veto comes about — the biggest thing this season is missing right now is someone who really wants to take control of the game. We can’t sit here and say right now who the best player actually is!
What do you want to see happen in the Big Brother 24 – Power of Veto Competition today?
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