Big Brother 24: Where are the live feeds? Paloma situation (day 9)

Paloma Aguilar Big Brother

This morning, we woke up expecting some further news on Paloma’s status on Big Brother 24 or the live feeds. So where we with all of that? Basically nowhere.

Here’s what we can say at the moment: Something big has happened in the house. Unless CBS confirms otherwise, it feels like there’s a good chance that she is gone. There’s no other reason for the network to block feeds overnight or have us waiting until the show later for answers. That’s right — we would be shocked if the feeds come back at any point before the episode tonight.

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As a reminder, we’re here breaking down the live feeds all season at the link here! Multiple updates are posted every day…

If Paloma is out of the game, it may be for the best. We’ve said this a dozen times already, but we don’t want to be in the position of speculating on anyone’s mental health — it felt like she was struggling in there towards the end and honestly, this game isn’t right for everyone.

The big decision that producers have to make is what all of this will mean for the episode tonight, and whether or not to cancel the eviction. There’s a case to be made to keep things going as previously planned, but that would also cause them to remove a double eviction that was probably planned later in the game. We know that they’ll want to pay off the backstage twist, but that feels almost unfair at this point to all parties involved. People have been voting for someone to save all week, and one of those three people in Paloma is presumably gone. If Brittany gets saved by America, that could mean Alyssa is nominated by default if someone in here does become a third nominee.

Also, we’ve never thought what happened to Taylor was fare and the show’s honestly done a pretty awful job of showing how she was mistreated by others (especially Paloma) in the game. If anyone does deserve another chance after week one, it’s her. She still has a lot of work to do, but she should get an opportunity to try.

What do you think is going to happen on Big Brother 24 tonight?

Be sure to let us know below! Once you do that, come back for other updates you don’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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