Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 1 Veto Ceremony results (day 6)

Big Brother

The Veto Ceremony happened early this afternoon within the Big Brother 24 house — want to know more about it?

First things first, we suggest that you bookmark our live-feed update page, since that’s where we will be posting more good stuff throughout the remainder of the season. If you’re still with us now, let’s go ahead and dive right in…

Going into the Veto Ceremony, we already had a fairly clear idea of what was going to happen: We were set to see Michael use the Power of Veto on himself, meaning that Daniel would have to nominate someone next to Terrance, who he claimed from the start was just a pawl. Brittany, Paloma, and Alyssa were not candidates due to the Backstage twist. He considered Indy for a while, but eventually settled on Taylor after conversations and prodding from some other contestants.

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We’ve said it before, but the treatment of Taylor this season from the other players has been terrible, with many of them pre-judging her before they had a single conversation towards her. Paloma is also accusing her of saying things about her game behind her back, which is of course causing her to run around and spin things in a million different directions.

How did Taylor react to being nominated?

When the feeds came back up and she was on the block, she was crying — while also getting a pep talk from Paloma, from all people, who once again referenced trying to split the moment before she realized it was against the rules. She also continued this mantra of how she wanted to change Big Brother so that there was not animosity in the game, though the very fabric of this game is about taking money and opportunities away from others.

Remember that even though Taylor and Terrance are on the block, there’s a chance both of them stay — the backstage twist could end up playing a part in Thursday’s eviction.

In the aftermath of the Veto Ceremony, what do you want to see happen on Big Brother 24 the rest of the way?

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