Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, week 1? (Day 4)
If you did not know, Daniel nominated Terrance and Michael last night. As of the ceremony Michael was the target, but there are a number of people who wanted to keep him. Take, for example, his Mamba alliance of himself, Monte, Kyle, Alyssa, Ameerah, and Paloma. Michael also is getting closer to Taylor, which is good since they are both underdogs.
Michael competed in the Veto today alongside Terrance, Indy, Ameerah, Turner, and of course Daniel — so who ended up winning?
(Before we move on, we encourage you to bookmark our live-feed update page for multiple daily stories on the show!)
The winner is…
Michael! This competition had a real medieval feel based on the competitions, and Daniel got a big dose of reality here that you can’t predict who is going to do well in a given competition. This now puts the HoH in a tough position, since Terrance was only meant to be a pawn. He’s briefly discussed possible outcomes, and we think he’s considering going after a strong dude. Doing this, however, is dangerous: It could leave him vulnerable if that person stays. Or, the other dudes could feel threatened and go after him.
As we are writing this, Brittany is throwing a LOT of people under the bus to Daniel, saying that a ton of people are just here for fame and not for the game at all.
One thing we know for sure? Daniel’s so-called “easy week” has now just gotten a lot more complicated. We’ll be back later with some conversations as to what he could end up doing.
What do you think about the first Big Brother 24 Power of Veto winner and what it means?
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