Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Nomination Ceremony #1 results! (day 3)

Big Brother

The first Nomination Ceremony has officially come and gone in Big Brother 24so do you want to know what happened? Consider this piece your update on that, and also a look towards what could happen next.

(Real quick reminder: We’re doing live-feed updates multiple times a day all season, so be sure to bookmark this link — we’ll keep you informed on the big stuff.)

Going into the Ceremony, it felt fairly likely that Head of Household Daniel was going to put up Terrance and Michael for eviction, with the latter serving as a primary target. This wasn’t some issue where he was trying to swing for the fences; rather, he just hadn’t spoken that much to either of them and he wanted to make a safe choice his first week in the game. We like Michael, but he is a super-fan and would probably be a major threat down the line. The logic is at least understandable, even if we like both of these guys and we would prefer if they each found a way to stick around.

Michael seemed to be taking things especially well after the fact, though he didn’t fully understand the reasoning. After all, he did talk to Daniel last night, and it was Daniel who ended the conversation rather than him. He still has a Veto to be played, so he is encouraged by that — and Paloma also tried her best to give him hope he’ll be okay no matter what. She thinks some of the women will support him, but her problem is that because of the Backstage twist, she cannot vote and neither can Brittany or Alyssa. That’s a problem.

With these being the nominations, we don’t think Daniel will want to name someone as the replacement — unless something big happens over the next 24-48 hours.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24 right now, including other thoughts on the season so far

What do you think about Daniel’s nominations within the Big Brother 24 house?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back to get some more insight that we 100% do not want you to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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