Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Did Daniel settle on nominations? (Day 3)

Daniel Durston Big Brother

Welcome to our first Day 3 Big Brother 24 live feed update! In the event you did not know, we post multiple daily updates all season — be sure to bookmark the link here and we’ll keep you up-to-date on everything that happens within the house.

Here, the topic of the day has to be nominations, given that they are happening later despite a relative lack of gametalk from a lot of people in the game right now. Daniel has been reasonably conservative when it comes to his approach to the game; he isn’t seeking out people as Head of Household. He wants to form alliances, but he’s also worried about getting too big of a group together in the early going. He also seems to be thinking about consensus.

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With all of this in mind, he told the cameras overnight that his current plan is putting up Michael and Terrance — it’s the move that would ruffle the least amount of feathers in the game. Michael had a brief conversation last night with the HoH, but it didn’t amount to much. Michael did promise him safety, but almost anyone would in a negotiation to stay in the game for a little bit longer.

Meanwhile, last night Paloma also had a conversation where she basically insinuated to him that this season could be the guys versus the women, which is a pretty questionable thing to do since there is a “women’s alliance” of everyone but Nicole and Taylor. It luckily doesn’t seem that serious, so Daniel isn’t making a mistake nominating two guys. Remember, he still could go after a bigger target after the Veto — Joseph is an interesting name to keep your eye on right now.

Is this the main alliance?

Alyssa, Amerrah, Paloma, Kyle, Monte, and Pooch could be something to watch, but we really hope that group doesn’t stay together. Of course it’s some of the more athletic people and we’d like to see some underdogs work their way in here and succeed.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24 right now, including more from last night

If you were Daniel, who would you nominate today in the Big Brother 24 house?

Be sure to share in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates. (Photo: CBS.)

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