Big Brother 24: Julie Chen Moonves hypes up new competitions

Big Brother

In just a matter of hours, the Big Brother 24 premiere is going to arrive on CBS! It goes without saying, but this should be fun. The iconic summer show is looking to up the ante and beyond just that, they are looking to bring some new ideas to the table!

If you look below, you can get at least a partial idea of what we are talking about here as Julie Chen Moonves tells Entertainment Tonight that from the get-go, there will be new competitions brought to the show. We’ve already heard about a big twist with the first eviction show, and she doubles down on it here. Julie is enthusiastic about the theme for the season, but also does feel like the game is so much harder than ever before.

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This interview is also pretty fun just from the standpoint of hearing Julie talk about the evolution of Big Brother over the years. Where it began is obviously SO much different than where it is right now. The social dynamics are often fascinating, and (of course) Julie mentions all the successful marriages. We’ve already made it clear that showmances are not our personal cup of tea, but we’re not even remotely surprised that this is something that Big Brother continues to push. A lot of people like them! Also, we think the producers + Julie love to rub their success in the faces of a lot of the dating shows that are out there.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter what all of the competitions are or how effective/ineffective some of the twists end up being. This show is ALL about the cast. If there’s a great group of people coming into the game, there’s going to be a lot to celebrate at the end! They have to play hard and embrace the madness.

Related Check out more news on Big Brother 24, including a last-minute change when it comes to the cast

What do you most want to see when it comes to Big Brother 24?

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