The Orville season 4: How to make that renewal happen
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Think about what the show is bringing the streaming service at the moment: A dedicated fanbase, legitimate science fiction in the vein of the original Star Trek, and global licensing opportunities for the studio behind the scenes. This is a show beloved all over the world, and it has shown an ability to handle real-world issues with great care and intelligence. There are still comedic moments, but The Orville is more than just any one genre.
When you ponder all of this over, it would feel like a no-brainer that the show will be renewed and in some ways, it is! Unfortunately, there is still one thing holding it back: Making TV this beautiful does not come cheap. There’s a fairly sizable cast here plus also extensive visual effects and an orchestrated score. The Orville makes sure that everything is top-quality and unfortunately, there is a trade-off to that here and there.
The reason why we’re telling you all of this now is pretty simple: We’re at the halfway point of New Horizons. There’s still time to get more of your friends and family on board! If the viewership is there, Hulu will find a way to keep things going; we’ve yet to hear from Seth MacFarlane or anyone else that they want season 3 to be the final one. It feels like there’s a love for this world and an openness for it to continue, but the cast and crew are not the ones in control here. It is all about viewership and in the end, it is a matter of dollars and cents.
Sometimes, renewals are complicated, and this one could still be in between budgets and scheduling. Yet, the best mechanism to make a season 4 happen is simple: Watch, watch often, and get everyone you know on board.
Do you think that a renewal for The Orville season 4 should be a no-brainer at this point?
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