Big Brother 24: How to be interactive, without altering the game
With that being said, some uses of fan votes have gone better than others. The MVP picks in Big Brother 15 were an absolute hot mess much of the time, and we’ve also seen recency bias play heavily into when people picked players in the first All-Star season.
We do think that there are benefits to interactive elements, especially with a show that has gone on for more than two decades. You need to keep people engaged! However, the downside is that you never want to overly topple the balance of power in the game or make people too aware of what the outside world thinks of them.
With all of this in mind, is there a way for Big Brother 24 to still be able to impact the game without giving some players bigger advantages than others? We think there are a few fun things that could be considered. voting on occasional competitions and allowing them to be more involved in what the houseguests do as opposed to who wins. Sure, picking a certain comp could tip the scales in favor of one or two people, but it doesn’t guarantee a win. Meanwhile, is there a way to pick who has to stay in what room at night on a given occasion? It could be a way for audiences to stir the pot and have a little bit of fun. Even some little things could be fun to bring back; back in the days of Big Brother After Dark, audiences would occasionally be able to vote on activities.
Big Brother 24 could benefit from being a little more interactive than what we’ve seen as of late. Just remember, not every vote has to be the same thing. As long as the audience isn’t voting on the same thing every week like Have-Not food, we’re going to be happy.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24, including more discussion on the cast
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