Super Bowl commercials 2013: Toyota, Kaley Cuoco of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ team up

Super Bowl XLVIIIf there was ever a time for celebrities to become endorsers for products, it is the Super Bowl on Sunday night; and with that in mind, we have a pretty fun new spot featuring “The Big Bang Theory” star Kaley Cuoco and a major automobile maker.

The ad – Toyota’s “Genie,” featuring “The Big Bang Theory” star Kaley Cuoco promoting the RAV4.

The premise – With every RAV4 apparently becomes a genie in order to grant every member of your family a wish, and we get to see imaginations run wild.

What works – The smart thing that Toyota has done with this ad is feature a big-name TV star in Cuoco, who is on the most-popular show on any of the four major networks. They also use the brand pretty well, as you know almost right away just what car is being specifically advertised. Plus, there are some funny moments … including a woman who wishes that she could have as much chocolate as she wanted.

What doesn’t – We actually wish that there was a little bit more humor in the ad; and while Toyota clearly spent a ton of money in the graphics, many of the wishes are very predictable and also a little bit tame. Save for Cuoco’s appearance, there’s not really much in this ad that people are going to be talking about after the fact. Plus, we don’t entirely get what makes the RAV4 worthy of a genie versus any other car that is on the market.

The verdict – Car commercials are generally the more conservative of the ads during the Super Bowl, and while this is a fun ad, it’s not necessarily a great one.

What do you think about this ad? If you want to watch some other commercials for the Super Bowl this year, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: CBS / NFL

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