Fear the Walking Dead season 8: Kim Dickens on Madison’s future

Fear the Walking Dead - Madison

The Fear the Walking Dead season 7 finale has now officially come and gone, so why not look ahead towards season 8? Or, to be specific, why not dive into Madison’s future?

This week’s episode finally gave us at least some backstory on where the character has been, but also how PADRE, or at least some of these people, have slowly warped her mind. She’s been separating children from their families, seemingly to toughen them up for the world to come. Morgan has helped to course-correct her in some ways, and she could help him by further introducing him to this world. PADRE may have some things going for it, just like many places do within this greater universe. However, it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks and pain, and that’s something that could play out more over time.

So what will the future hold for Madison? Will Kim Dickens get to work with a number of different characters? Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, here is some of what the actress had to say:

…We start this summer. They kind of mapped it out for me. They were generous in giving me this sort of plan. I’m excited to do it and see what other predicaments they’re going to put Madison in. I look forward to working with some of the new characters. I haven’t worked with Dwight [Austin Amelio] and Sherry [Christine Evangelista] and Grace [Karen David]. I look forward to seeing the old gang as well. Danay [Garcia] and Ruben [Blades], I haven’t seen in forever, and Jenna [Elfman] and Lennie, of course. It’s going to be exciting. I think it’s going to be a great season.

With filming not even underway yet, we are most likely going to be waiting until late this year or early next for season 8 and honestly, that’s all right — they need time to carve out something great, and we hope that there are still some surprises this world can deliver.

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What do you most want to see from Kim Dickens as Madison moving into Fear the Walking Dead season 8?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! (Photo: AMC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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