Mayans MC season 4 episode 9 spoilers: The last before the finale

Mayans MC

As you prepare yourself to see Mayans MC season 4 episode 9 on FX next week, it feels like there’s a lot to brace yourselves for. “The Calling of Saint Matthew” is the penultimate episode of the season. Heck, it could be the penultimate episode of the series. Nothing has been revealed when it comes to the long-term future at present and while we’d like to see a season 5, we’ve been around long enough to know that nothing is a certainty. Anything could happen at just about any point and we have to be prepared for that.

Of course and in true FX fashion, the network isn’t giving too much away as to what lies ahead. All we have, at least for now, is the full Mayans MC season 4 episode 9 synopsis below:

A proposed alliance promises to return the M.C. to its former glory.

Is this alliance something that is truly going to work? We have a hard time being confident, mostly because this is a world where we’ve seen so many other people die over the years. Heck, even this season the best-laid plans have gone completely to waste, and the war between the Mayans and Sons of Anarchy has proven to be every bit as violent as we imagined going into it. The soul of the MC is in danger, and the same goes some of the hierarchy.

Beyond all of this, we tend to think that the Miguel Galindo cliffhanger tonight is going to be very much important. After all, it does feel like there’s a little bit more of a story left to tell with him that is somewhat shrouded in mystery right now.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Mayans MC right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Mayans MC season 4 episode 9?

How do you think things are going to build up leading into the finale? Share some more of your thoughts right now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to also stay here for additional updates you will not want to miss. (Photo: FX.)

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