Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 2: A big Kanan question mark
For the sake of this article, what we want to do is dive into a very-important question with the title character himself. How in the world is Kanan Stark going to find his way back into the action?
Watch our Raising Kanan season 1 finale review now! Take a look below to get all of our thoughts on what happened in this episode, and what this could mean for the future. We’re going to have reviews moving forward, so SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube right now.
If you remember, at the end of season 1 Raq decided to send her son away. The idea here was that with Detective Howard dead, he would need to be able to be incognito for a little while until things calmed down. She’d also effectively used him to do something that she could not; she recognized that Howard had a significant weakness in the form of his son. All of this dramatic, dark, and compelling to watch.
With all of this said, we know that Kanan isn’t going to be gone from Jamaica, Queens for all that long. The show would be less exciting if he was! The idea moving into season 2 is that something brings him back, but what? It could be tied to Howard not really being dead, but even with that, we’re not sure things are any safer for him. Kanan’s going to be dealing with a lot of trauma early on in this season, but he’s also harder and tougher because of it. There are reasons why he is able to turn off his emotion so easily in Power, and we could be getting a better sense of why that is.
What do you think is going to happen on Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 2?
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