Legacies season 4 episode 18 spoilers: Can Hope, Lizzie connect?


Next week on Legacies season 4 episode 18, are we going to see a story that perfectly showcases Hope’s evolution this season? On the surface, it sure feels that way.

There’s no denying in our mind that Danielle Rose Russell’s character has been going through a lot — think about her humanity, being a tribid, or the big The Originals reunion that we saw earlier this season. So who is she now? Who does she want to be?

Below, you can take a look at the full Legacies season 4 episode 18 synopsis with some additional info as to what you can expect from here:

WHAT COMES NEXT – Alaric (Matthew Davis) briefs the Super Squad on what comes next. Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) has a heart-to-heart with Lizzie (Jenny Boyd). MG (Quincy Fouse) helps Ethan (Leo Howard). Cleo (Omono Okojie) continues to test her new powers and figure out her purpose. Meanwhile, Landon (Aria Shaghasemi) takes on a new role. The episode was written by Thomas Brandon and directed by Lauren Petzke (#414). Original airdate 5/12/2022.

We wish that we had answers to a lot of these big questions by the end of this episode but in the end, we’re not altogether confident that this is going to be the case. This is instead one of those shows that is going to let things evolve before building up to some sort of crazy, hyper-intense conclusion in the end.

The question that you do have to think about in the end here is pretty simple: Will we at least get some closure at the end of the season? It’s a pretty frustrating situation that the show is even in right now, given that it has not been renewed yet for another season … and The CW has been more willing to cancel things than we’ve seen in the past.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Legacies

What do you most want to see when it comes to Legacies season 4 episode 18?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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