Better Call Saul season 6 episode 3: Why did Nacho have to die?

Better Call Saul season 6

We’ll admit that Better Call Saul season 6 episode 3 proved to be one of the most shocking ones of the whole series for us.

Why? We never imagined in a million years that we’d see the character of Nacho die. There was no reason to think that it was going to happen! We weren’t even sure that he was going to die at all on this show, since there was no indication on Breaking Bad that he was 100% gone.

New Better Call Saul video! Take a look below to see our discussion all about tonight’s insane episode and Nacho’s demise. After you check that out, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube and keep coming back for some additional reviews and previews all season.

Yet, we think that Nacho’s demise was so important in that there are so many villains in this universe. Seeing someone die a heroic death is such a rarity, but it was done with some specific reasoning in mind. Nacho died to protect his father, and he made good use of his final moments to make it clear to Hector precisely how he felt about him. He also took his own life so that they couldn’t have the pleasure of doing so.

Nacho was such a tragic character for so long here — this was never a world he relished being a part of, and he spent so long trying to find a different path. He did eventually get it, but it’s not one that results in him being a part of the world anymore. It’s a hard thing to accept and yet, this is one we’ll have to as we watch the show progress the rest of the way. His death shows how complicated business is with Gus and Mike, and it paves the path for their story in Breaking Bad — ruthlessness is a big part of their overall MO.

Are you shocked by the events of Better Call Saul season 6 episode 3?

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