This Is Us season 6 episode 14: The case for Kevin and Sophie

This Is Us

Yesterday, we previewed This Is Us season 6 episode 14 by making the case for Kevin and Cassidy to be together in the end.

So, for the sake of today’s article, we’re taking a somewhat different approach. Why not discuss things through the lens of Kevin and Sophie? We know that they have a lot of fans out there, and people who think there’s a chance that they could give a relationship a go once more. There are significant reasons to suspect this is possible, but also major questions that need to be asked.

New This Is Us video! Take a look below to get our full preview all about where the show could be going from here. If you do want some other discussion moving forward, we simply suggest that you SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for reviews and so much more.

First and foremost, we hope the writers resolve Sophie’s marital status if she and Kevin are meant to be together. It does seem like she is still wearing a ring at Kate’s second wedding, but that doesn’t 100% mean she is still with her husband. They may already be on the rocks or even separated but regardless, these two could end up together without anything romantic happening the night before the wedding. Their encounter could be more about some key revelations that better set the stage for what their future hold.

The two obviously have chemistry and love, and that is the foundation for any relationship. We think Kevin’s struggled a lot with his identity over the years and is closer to figuring that out. However, he also needs to do a lot still to make amends to Alexandra Breckenridge’s character, who he has hurt multiple times over the years. He has to earn her trust and show that he wouldn’t do anything to betray her again, and that’s a bigger hurdle to overcome than Kevin has elsewhere.

Still, there’s no denying the appeal of this relationship: They are each other’s first loves, and we think this show loves to be optimistic and hopeful at times. We don’t think it’d be cheesy if they ended up together, mostly because they’ve gone through so much over the years and would have found their way back.

Related Read more on the case for Kevin and Cassidy

Do you want to see Kevin and Sophie together moving into This Is Us season 6 episode 14?

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