Better Call Saul season 6 episode 3 promo: A case against Jimmy?
So much of this show is about the rise and fall — we’re getting closer to Saul Goodman being at the peak of his powers, but there is so much more hardship coming along the way. It’s something that Kim Wexler is getting more acutely aware of — in the promo below, she questions if a case is being made against her husband.
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We wouldn’t be surprised if this case against Bob Odenkirk’s character is linked somewhat to the car that was following him and Kim at the end of episode 2. There are certainly people who would want them thwarted, and you could even connect it to Howard at this point. Remember the conversation between the HHM attorney and Kim at the end of last season. He’s someone who prides himself on doing things the “right way” — if he disagrees with someone else’s tactics, he will try to stop them.
Of course, the other fear here is that this is all linked to Lalo and the cartel. We don’t think that Tony Dalton’s character is going to forget about that confrontation in the apartment anytime soon. Sure, Jimmy immediately finds himself working more with the cartels, but there were a lot of steps that led to him eventually getting there. There may also be an underlying tragedy to him doing so, since we don’t think Kim would love the idea of the two of them diving head-first into all of this full-time.
What do you most want to see when it comes to Better Call Saul season 6 episode 3?
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