Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, April 17?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Are we going to be seeing more of the late-night series very soon?

If you have watched the show over the years, then you know that in some ways, there is a pattern that tends to exist with new episodes. We’ll see a few to start off the season, and that is followed by a week off. Then we get a couple new ones and for the rest of the season, the schedule tends to get a little confusing. The only constants we have are a longer hiatus in the summer and then a finale leading up to Thanksgiving.

For the sake of tonight, though, we do come bearing some good news! You are going to see a new installment of Last Week Tonight starting at 11:00 p.m. Eastern, which is shockingly its traditional start time. (More often than not, this show ends up being delayed). It will be followed by the finale of Game Theory with Bomani Jones airing not too long after the fact.

What’s going to be discussed tonight on the show? We don’t think there is one single story that feels like an immediate focus, but don’t be surprised if Elon Musk and Twitter are brought up. Then, there’s another possibility here of something tied to the global health crisis — it is far from over and at some point, we imagine we’re going to see a little bit more on that, as well.

The thing about Oliver’s show in general is that the whole goal is to catch you off guard. Remember that this is the sort of show that wants to educate you, in addition to making you laugh. They want to bring important issues to the table that you aren’t quite thinking about.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Last Week Tonight right now

What do you most want to see on the next Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

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