Power Book IV: Force season 1 episode 9: Why did Gloria have to die?
After all, consider things like this: We’re talking about a character here who we were still getting to know, and she did serve as a love interest of sorts for both Tommy Egan and then also Vic Flynn. Vic loved her, and was ready to drop all affiliation to his family to run away with her. In his mind, this was the right thing to do — but he didn’t trust Tommy. If he listened to his advice, Gloria would probably still be alive. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
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Unfortunately, Gloria became both a casualty in Vic’s life and a casualty to move the story forward. So long as she was around, Walter Flynn’s son would never want to stick around. This death is a way to ensure that he stays in the Force fold, and inevitably wants some sort of revenge. This is the sort of death that TV shows like to do with that very thing in mind. It could harden Vic up! We know that Walter has envisioned him as a replacement down the road, but what we’ve seen from this guy over time is that he’s not altogether ready to be in that spot. He doesn’t really want that.
Will that change now? We’ll see how things play out the rest of the season…
What did you think about what happened with Gloria on Power Book IV: Force this season?
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