Magnum PI season 4 episode 18: Will Magnum tell Higgins how he feels?
Ultimately, we consider the conversation between Magnum and Nuzo (who is of course a figment of his imagination) to be a formative one for Thomas when it comes to recognizing how he feels about Juliet. He’s been encouraged to just tell her how he feels! This is a milestone, and there have been several of them this season. Take, for example, Higgins also admitting that she’s had multiple romantic dreams about Magnum, and not just the one that he now knows about.
So why won’t these two just open up to each other fully? A lot of it comes down to risk factors, and there is a lot that the two of them have on the line for this. Take, for example, the fact that they are such close friends. Not only that, but they work together! If something goes wrong with their romantic relationship, it could cause everything to crumble. There’s legitimate fear here and that nervousness shows how much they mean to each other. This is not yet another relationship for the two; there is something more here.
In the end, we don’t think the show is going to rush anything along here. After all, this is the classic “will they or won’t they?” that we have seen in so many shows over the years. Let’s just enjoy the journey for what it is, and sometimes, there is a lot of fun that can come courtesy of the anticipation.
What did you think about the events of Magnum PI season 4 episode 18?
Are you rooting for Magnum and Higgins now more than ever? Be sure to let us know some of your thoughts right now in the comments! After you do just that, remember to keep coming back for other updates that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)