Big Brother Canada 10: Was Tynesha White evicted before Double?

Tynesha White

Big Brother Canada 10 had a heck of an exciting episode planned from the get-go — but did Tynesha White miss out on some of it?

Well, it wasn’t looking good before she even gave her eviction speech. We knew entering the episode that she was in trouble, and of course this was a little bit more complicated than what we saw on the show. Yet, Kevin does deserve a lot of credit for the move, and also for making sure that there was an extra bit of chaos in the house.

Can we go ahead and celebrate now that there was a genuine split vote tonight? Not everyone was in on it, and there was a little bit of drama even as some of the votes were read. The final vote was five to four, and you can tell how sad she was … but also how sad Moose was! He really hated having to campaign against her all week.

From a personal standpoint, we hate the move since Tynesha was a super-likable person. Yet, it was a smart game move. She’s far more of a late-game threat than he is just because she’s better at moving through the house.

What was the most memorable about Tynesha’s exit, though, was how she handed Jess. First, she called them out for calling her “Tiana” instead of her proper name. After that, she ended up ripping them for their game move this week. She even said it was worse than Kyle’s! That’s a pretty big statement, but there may be some truth to that. Jess did a bad job managing relationships, and they were a target even going into them winning HoH.

This is just the beginning of the Chain of Safety – Double Eviction show. We’ll be back with more info!

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

What did you think about Tynesha White’s eviction from Big Brother Canada 10?

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