Big Brother Canada 10: Was Kyle Moore evicted? (day 27)

Kyle Moore

As we prepared for tonight’s Big Brother Canada 10 episode, we were 100% prepared to wave Kyle Moore into the sunset. This is a guy who started things off in a really great spot, only to complete bungle whatever momentum he had.

Consider Kyle’s downfall a case study in a couple of different things. First and foremost, don’t win HoH too early — and if you do, know how to handle power. Kyle let all of it get to his head and he over-thought himself like nobody’s business. Another word to the wise: Don’t nominate a number of people you were previously aligned with. Early in the game, the easy moves are sometimes the best moves; there is time to make big moves later.

The biggest what-if of Kyle’s game, though, is what would’ve happened if Moose wasn’t in the game. Because these two knew each other on some level heading into the game, it clearly got in his head — especially since he felt threatened by Moose and it caused him to think irrationally. Everything snowballed and he couldn’t recover! Kyle’s campaign went almost nowhere over the past few days.

When the vote came in, it was unanimous: Kyle had no chance, and nobody even bothered to throw a hinky vote in there for fun. This resets the game moving forward, and it makes it so that it’s pretty hard to predict whatever is going to be happening next.

Kyle’s final salvo

He decided to pretend like he had a secret power on his way out the door — and also claimed that now, it’s potentially active in the game again. This is ridiculous, but at the same time, we kinda love that he did this for the sake of causing some paranoia moving forward.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

What do you think Kyle Moore’s biggest mistake was over the course of Big Brother Canada 10?

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