The Blacklist season 9 episode 12: Was Liz Keen’s body exhumed?

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As we prepared for The Blacklist season 9 episode 12 tonight, one of our biggest questions was of course around Liz Keen. It was hard for it not to be. Just think in terms of the dilemma that was raised at the end of this past episode, where Reddington contemplated exhuming her casket in order to find the tracker located within it.

So did that actually happen? We’ll be breaking that down within this piece!

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Entering the episode, there was no guarantee we’d actually see the body removed from the ground at all. The only thing that was confirmed was that Donald Ressler would have his fair share of reservations about it. He loves Liz, and this is a heartbreaking, not-easy decision to make. We get it.

Ultimately, Cooper did decide that for the sake of giving Agnes peace someday, it was the right move to exhume the body. The show assumed that she had ingested the tracker tonight, even though there is no evidence of that. Yet, that did turn out to be the case and it seemed as though Liz was actually dead and in the casket — this eliminates some of those conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately, there was no real answer as to the tracker tonight — Aram is working on it, but in the end, Liz was put back into the ground at the end of the episode. Ressler struggled, but did not go off the wagon. Meanwhile, the entire occasion led to Cooper opening up to Agnes more about Liz.

What did you think about the events of The Blacklist season 9 episode 12?

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