Billions season 6 episode 9 spoilers: Chuck fights for the city!

Billions season 6

As you prepare to see Billions season 6 episode 9 on Showtime next weekend, do you want some more news all about it?

Let’s start here with the title of ‘Hindenburg,” which of course makes us think that some sort of terrible disaster is coming. Could it be tied to Mike Prince’s long-term arc this season? Maybe, or maybe many of Chuck’s ideas end up exploding in his face. No matter, this could be an episode filled with extraordinary mess and we’ll be left to see precisely how some people pick up the pieces.

To get a few more details all about what lies ahead from here, be sure to check out the full Billions season 6 episode 9 synopsis right now:

Chuck fights to unlock the city for the people. Prince and his brain trust hatch a plan to turn the tables. After discovering an investment reversal, Taylor teams up with Philip.

We are in the midst of what we’d definitely call the home stretch of the season, and this is where we need to see some things ratchet up. We need bigger twists! More surprises! If there is a way that the writers can throw some characters in unexpected situations, we’d more than appreciate that. We feel like we’ve said it a few times over at this point, but we think Billions needs to push the envelope a little more at this point and find a way to get people discussing the show again in a way they haven’t been in a while. By and larger, the top comments we’ve received from people this season are from those who miss Damian Lewis. We get that, but this doesn’t help the show in terms of where it is now.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Billions right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Billions season 6 episode 9?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back around — there are other updates ahead and of course, we don’t want you to miss any other updates. (Photo: Showtime.)

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