The Blacklist season 9 episode 12 photo: Reddington watches on…
For Raymond Reddington, we know specifically that he is entering this episode with a different sense of resolve than before. He knows that he needs to exhume Liz’s body in order to learn the truth about the tracker that was buried with her. This is a tough, painful thing for him to do, but it’s something that is very much on his mind. (What if Liz’s body isn’t even in there?)
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So is this new photo above tied to that in some way? It’s possible he’s holding some sort of meeting on the tracker in hopes of getting some answers. Yet, we’re also not 100% sure that is the case. This feels more like a story tied to the Blacklister of the Week plot. The Chairman is supposedly someone who “operates a dark web stock market trading shares of criminal organizations.” How do they impact Reddington or the Task Force itself? The jury is still out on a lot of that, and we can only hope that there are some answers before too long.
There’s one other thing that continues to befuddle us entering this episode, and it is the state of Reddington’s hair. We still think it’s connected to Mierce in some way, but does anyone else find it funny that he started the season off completely bald, only to now have longer hair than we’ve seen in quite some time? We know from recent James Spader interviews that it’s only going to get longer from here.
What are you the most excited to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 9 episode 12?
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