Saturday Night Live: Charli XCX performs ‘Beg For You,’ ‘Baby’

Charli XCX

Entering this weekend’s Saturday Night Live episode, we knew that Charli XCX was going to get another chance to be the musical guest after things didn’t quite worked out as planned for her last show. We had a feeling that she would perform some new music, so what did she decide upon?

For her first track on the show tonight, Charli decided to bust out something that was pure pop and designed to make you dance: “Beg For You.” This is a genre that the show has showcased a lot as of late with her and also Katy Perry — and it makes sense. These are the sort of performances that tend to generate headlines.

Of course, we’re also well aware that pop/dance music is polarizing. You either love it or you don’t. We’re sure that opinions will be mixed, but there’s no denying that Charli knows how to put on an incredible production. She knows how to utilize the fairly-cramped SNL stage and showcase her dance ability. Even though there weren’t a lot of backup dancers or anything too elaborate in the background, the performance didn’t need it.

Ultimately, Charli had a LONG time in order to plan this performance out — we had a feeling that it was going to deliver exactly what she wanted.

As for the second song…

Charli chose to perform another upbeat dance track, though this time around, she was accompanied by a full band that was visible on stage. Oh, and a couple of backup dancers as well. After watching this, we don’t know if you can make an argument that she gave anything less than 100% here. It was high-energy for sure, and it will probably get stuck in some viewers’ heads for a while.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Saturday Night Live right now

What did you think about this week’s Saturday Night Live performance from Charli XCX?

Did it prove to be worth the wait and then some? Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back to score some other updates that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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