‘The Amazing Race 22’ cast revealed, plus surprising Express Pass twist

The Amazing RaceHave the casts for “The Amazing Race” grown a little bit stale over the years? The answer to that is “definitely,” since you largely know at this point just what to expect when the group is officially unveiled. You have a few pseudo-celebrities, someone with a tough past, at least one dating couple destined to scream at each other, and also a few teams that will likely be out of the competition early.

However, what is a little bit more intriguing about the upcoming 22nd season of the show is that there is at least one twist to the show that we have not seen already. Specifically, we’re talking about a new Express Pass that gives the winner of the first leg both more power as well as a bigger target. Not only do they have an opportunity to save themselves by skipping a detour down the road, but they also are required to give one to another team that is good for the first few weeks of the race. Like with the Salvage Pass on the Australian show (which could be used to either get a head start or to save a team in last place), this is something that can be used in order to make friends or find yourself new enemies.

As for some of the teams that are taking part in the show this season, they include some of the following folks:

Idries & Jamil – Twin doctors

Max & Katie – Newlyweds from Buffalo, New York

Mona & Beth – Roller Derby Moms

Bates & Anthony – Brothers / professional hockey players

Chuck & Wynona – Married couple

David & Connor – Father / son (and also cancer survivors)

Caroline & Jennifer – Friends / country singers for Stealing Angels (so they obviously have an ulterior motive)

Joey & Meghan – Friends / YouTube hosts

Pamula & Winnie – Best friends from Los Angeles

Jessica & John – Dating couple from Huntington Beach

Matthew & Daniel – Friends / firefighters

Out of this crew, the pairs that easily interest us the most are the hockey players, the YouTube hosts, and even the country singers since they are all at least a little bit different than what we have seen on the show. There’s at least no one openly advertising themselves as a beauty queen here, just as there is also not too many dating couples sure to scream at each other every leg.

Do you want to see some more news on “The Amazing Race 22”? If so, be sure to check out the story over at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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