Is Legacies new tonight on The CW? Season 4 episode 10 teases

Legacies, Hope

Is Legacies new tonight on the CW? Is the show back with season 4 episode 10 after a substantial hiatus?

We know that the network has tested your patience as of late, even if there’s a pretty understandable reason for it as they’ve tried to duck-and-cover some of the competition from the Olympics. Luckily, we are pleased to report now that the show is back in just a matter of hours! This is going to be a huge episode for Hope, as Danielle Rose Russell’s character is coming into this episode with a particular agenda. It could be a dangerous one, and her path will lead her to spending some time with Professor Vardemus (Alexis Demisof).

In speaking to TV Guide about some of Hope’s specific goals, here is what executive producer Brett Matthews had to say entering the installment:

“She has a question she needs answered and is obviously not above doing almost anything to get that answer, and so Vardemus just becomes the likely port in the storm and gets entangled … It’s a character we like a lot and we wish we could do more with, but it’s always fun when Alexis pays us a visit.”

Ultimately, it’s hard to see the Hope character separated from so many of her friends, plus also partaking in so many nefarious things. With that being said, though, it’s hard to deny that the show has been very-much entertaining over the past little while. It’s intense, dramatic, and above all else it’s getting us very-much curious/afraid to see precisely where the story will go from here.

Related Check out some more news when it comes to Legacies right now

What are you the most excited to see when it comes to Legacies season 4 episode 10?

Be sure to share all of your thoughts and hopes now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also keep coming back — there are even more updates coming and we don’t want you to miss any of them. (Photo: The CW.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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